The Champions of DuPont

 Adapting Six Sigma to Every Facet of the Company

              by Elaine Schmidt  iSixSigma magazine

                            May/June 2006

 " Today, if General Mills featured Six Sigma leaders on its Breakfast of Champions cereal, Linsenmann's face would almost certainly be on a Wheaties box. Not only has he been DuPont's corportate Champion for Six Sigma since the beginning, but the 70-country, company wide deployment he led can be termed a success by any measure. The network of Champions he created has been responsible for ..."

Don Linsenmann: The Man, the Myth, the Comedian
               by Michael Marx  iSixSigma blog 2007

"Don Linsenmann, VP Business Process Excellence & Corporate Six Sigma Champion at DuPont delivered a superb presentation on Tuesday. If the only two people I heard this week were Don Linsenmann and General Colin Powell, I would have been satisfied.

Once again, Don reviewed the faces of Six Sigma with his Rubik’s Cube analogy. Each color/side of the cube represents a face of Six Sigma: Strategy, Leadership, Management, Methodology, Technology, People."
